Thursday, April 27, 2017

Jean-Paul Aron interview from 1976

Jean-Paul Aron (27 May 1925 - 20 August 1988) was a French writer, philosopher and journalist.

In 1976 Melinda sat down with Mr. Aron in Paris. Their conversation was included in her book Through Parisian Eyes, in which in the French writer, journalist, and philosopher had a lot to say:

On the search for novelty that has invaded art and literature: "I am not against modernity, and I know that each epoch produces its own new truth. But I am against these impostures of modernity, that's to say, these 'new' systems of thought, which become like commodities...People say that America produces literary works like commodities. But it's true of France. At the moment we have new products, or books, that glut the market, each one destorying the validity of the previous 'new' book."

On structuralism: "People take to these systems of thought when they want to avoid living, meaning, and feelings. There's a curious taste for objectivity...What I mean is that people are under the illusion that you can transcribe a so-called objective view of the you don't have to actually experience life."

Read the full text from Through Parisian Eyes [PDF]

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